The Power of Ventus
Managed Connectivity

Supercharge your cellular connectivity for business to drive applications, improve communications, and better serve customers. Get more than a self-monitoring platform, get ease of deployment with an assurance and peace of mind that the power of Ventus Managed Connectivity is All About Uptime

Streamline cellular connectivity with Ventus Managed Connectivity
and boost IT resources

Cellular Managed Connectivity made easy, Ventus easily handles it all:


Our experts make it easy to solve all cellular connectivity needs, a single source for network connectivity.


All solutions are hosted to preserve continuity, speed new deployments, and enhance technical support.


Scalability is seamless with Ventus uncomplicated plug-and-play hardware, provisioned and ready to go.


Comprehensive monitoring and 24x7x365 access to expert tech support keep networks up and stable.

Easy, Reliable, Secure Cellular Connectivity

Ventus Managed Connectivity can meet all your cellular network needs:



Networking experts

Ventus engineers design and architect a fully integrated cellular wireless network tailored to meet your specific business needs.

Network Connection

Network Connection

Comprehensive coverage

Our deep knowledge of cellular wireless networks and multi-carrier solutions ensures your internet is there when you need it.

Field Services

Field Services

Project deadlines met

From 10 to 100,000 devices, deployments are seamless and project deadlines are met effortlessly worldwide, eliminating the demands on your staff.



Enterprise Built                                         

Ventus Managed Connectivity solutions use best-in-class manufacturers with a focus on zero-touch deployment for flexibility, security, and ease of install.

24x7 Tech Support

24x7x365 Technical Support

One-Call Resolution

Ventus’ Technical Support Center (TSC) provides 24x7x365 customer support services for fast, one-call resolution, allowing you to focus on your core business.



Always on Connectivity

Pro-active, portfolio monitoring provides network insight. Ventus Genesis ™, provides users with a simplified centralized interface for reporting and monitoring all their network devices.


Network Security

Safe and Reliable Infrastructure                       

Managed Connectivity solutions to meet your security needs, prioritizing defending your wireless cellular network including PCI DSS compliant solutions.

   For more information on Ventus Managed Connectivity solutions, contact us. 

We develop reliable, innovative managed cellular network solutions and welcome the opportunity to serve your enterprise.

Managed Connectivity Solutions

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Network Services

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